From: Jason L. Green
Sent: Fri Jul 20 09:05:51 2012
To: BELETE Etsegenet
Subject: Re: Operator Certification rule revised...
Importance: Normal
Thank you Genet. They look good.
Jason Green, Executive Director
Oregon Association of Water Utilities
935 N. Main Street, Independence OR 97351
Cell: 503-580-4445
Ofc: 503-837-1212
Your membership, support and participation are vital to our profession and industry!
Our Mission: "To provide service, support, and solutions for Oregon water and wastewater utilities to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow."
From: BELETE Etsegenet <>
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:48 AM
To: Bill Elliot <>, Daniel Clark <>, "Jason L. Green" <>, Joel Borchers <>, John Lewis <>, Mathew LaForce <>, Steve Miles <>, Steve Sagmiller <>
Cc: BELETE Etsegenet <>
Subject: Operator Certification rule revised...
Hello all,
The last few weeks, I have been working on the public notice package for the operator certification rulemaking. As part of the package, I have included all the last advisory committee meeting input regarding the rule and attached the document. Please review the document and let me know of any comments. After I get comments from the group, I will be schedule the conference call as discussed in our last meeting. Public Notice is set to start on the 21st of August for this rulemaking.
Thank you for your continued assistance.
Etsegenet Belete
Wastewater System Operator Certification
Oregon DEQ/ NWR
2020 SW 4th Ave, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 229-5349