Oregon Records Management Solution

FW: EQC's approval for Operator Certification


''Tuesday, July 09, 2019 at 4:03:12 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Amend Rules to Revise Fees and Requirements for Wastewater System Operator Certification Adm. Order No.: DEQ 2-2013 Filed with Sec. of State: 1-28-2013 Certified to be Effective: 3-1-13 Notice Publication Date: 9-1-2012 Rules Amended: 340-049-0010, 340-049-0015, 340-049-0020, 340-049-0025, 340-049-0030, 340-049-0035, 340-049-0040, 340-049-0055, 340-049-0060, 340-049-0065, 340-049-0085 Subject: The Wastewater System Operator Certification rules: Increase operator certification and program support fees. Establish small wastewater system certification. Revise requirement for system supervisor compliance. Clarify “acceptable operating experience” language. Revise exam scheduling language and re-exam time frame. Revise standing advisory committee language.