Sent: Tue Jul 31 16:58:13 2012
To: REP Bailey
Subject: Rulemaking - Klamath Falls PM2.5 Attainment Plan - Bailey
Importance: Normal
July 31, 2012
The Honorable Jules Bailey
Co-Chair House Energy, Environment
And Water Committee
900 Court St. NE., H-274
Salem, OR 97301
Dear Co-Chair Bailey:
This letter complies with ORS 183.335(15)(b), requiring notice of a proposed Department of Environmental Quality rulemaking.
DEQ is proposing to adopt rules as part of an attainment plan that will bring the Klamath Falls area into compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards for fine particulate, or PM2.5, by the federal deadline of December 2014. These rules and the attainment plan are an amendment to Oregon’s Air Quality State Implementation Plan. The attainment plan specifies how the community will meet the particulate standard, including who will conduct the work, and when and how it will be done.
The attainment plan, based on recommendations from the Klamath Falls citizen advisory committee, is a comprehensive mixture of emission reduction strategies consisting of local ordinances, DEQ regulations, and non-regulatory elements including incentives and education. The plan also provides contingency measures to meet the fine particulate standard should the community fail to reduce particulate emissions by the 2014 deadline.
Since residential wood burning emissions comprise most of the harmful particulate emissions in Klamath Falls, most of the proposed particulate reductions will come from enhancements to the community’s woodstove curtailment program, implemented through local ordinances. Other attainment strategies include continuing the program of replacing polluting uncertified woodstoves, a public awareness and education program, and DEQ rules requiring reasonably available controls to reduce particulate from industrial sources. The proposed attainment plan will aid the state and the community in controlling emissions to ensure clean air in Klamath Falls.
Enclosed is a Rulemaking Announcement that outlines the public comment and public hearing opportunities. If you have questions or comments, please call me at (503) 229-5397.
Andy Ginsburg
Air Quality Administrator
Oregon Department Of Environmental Quality