From: Woodbury, Lance

Sent: Fri Jun 08 16:16:13 2012

To: OregonCleanFuels

Subject: RE: Oregon Clean Fuels Program Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.gif;




Because of other commitments, I haven’t been able to spend as much time as I would have liked to investigate the set up cost issue. Further I apologize that this memo is incomplete and not in the proper form to report back to you. With that said, I was able to make a few phone calls to some marketers in California. I was also able to meet with my IT staff. Based upon these conversations I do believe the set up cost will be higher than have been estimated, maybe 50 but more likely 100 percent higher. I wish I could give you a more accurate estimate at this time, but this is the best I can do within the time constraints. I make this estimate based upon making a number of assumptions, with the two most important assumptions being, 1) that Oregon will make all the necessary adjustment to the California reporting system for Oregon, and, 2) That all reporters will have at least 6 months to review the Oregon reporting system in order to make the necessary changes within their organizations before reporting begins (programming, data input and staffing)

I really can not give an estimate of the on going reporting cost until we can review your reporting system. I am hoping my trip the California will help, however because of some of the uniqueness to Oregon’s program it might be difficult to fully anticipate all of these costs until that time.

I am in the office Monday and Tuesday next week, then traveling on business the rest of the week.


Lance Woodbury


From: OregonCleanFuels []

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 5:18 PM

To: WIND Cory Ann


Subject: Oregon Clean Fuels Program Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

Sorry for the cross-postings, but I wanted to make sure that everybody received this notification.

The meeting will be held on:

Wednesday, May 30 from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

DEQ Headquarters Office

811 SW Sixth Avenue

10th floor – EQC Conference Room

Portland, OR 97204

The following materials are now posted on the Oregon Clean Fuels Program website:

· Agenda

· Draft – Oregon Clean Fuels Program Fiscal Advisory Committee Charter

· Draft – Statement of Need and Fiscal and Economic Impacts

· Excerpts of the draft rules for the Phase 1 requirements

We look forward to seeing everybody on Wednesday. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cory-Ann Wind

Air Quality Planner
