From: CALDERA Stephanie
Sent: Thu Sep 06 08:16:12 2012
To: WIND Cory Ann
Subject: RE: Clean Fuels Testimony from EQC Meeting
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image002.gif; CFStestimonyNotes.docx; Sorry for the delay – the summary excerpt of the testimony is attached here, and the sound file is in my shared folder: \\deqhq1\deqshare\S Clark\EQC\2012\August 23-24\Audio From: WIND Cory Ann Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 7:52 AM To: CALDERA Stephanie Cc: WIND Cory Ann Subject: Clean Fuels Testimony from EQC Meeting How are you doing on the testimony from the EQC meeting? Cory-Ann Wind Air Quality Planner 503-229-5388