From: Geoff Cooper
Sent: Fri Aug 31 06:52:20 2012
To: CleanFuelsAug2012
Cc: WIND Cory Ann; COLLIER David; LANGSTON Sue; EthanolRFA
Subject: Comments of the Renewable Fuels Association re: Oregon DEQ proposed rule for Clean Fuels Program
Importance: Normal
Attachments: RFA_Oregon Clean Fuels Program PR Comments.pdf; Please find attached the comments of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) in response to Oregon DEQ’s proposed rule for a Clean Fuels Program. Please let us know if you have any questions. Regards, Geoff Cooper Vice President, Research & Analysis Renewable Fuels Association 16024 Manchester Road, Suite 223 Ellisville, MO 63011 O: 636.594.2284 C: 636.399.4928