From: Gina Grey
Sent: Thu Aug 30 15:54:49 2012
To: CleanFuelsAug2012; WIND Cory Ann
Subject: WSPA Comments on EQC Hearing/Proposed Adoption of Clean Fuels Program
Importance: Normal
Attachments: A_POLICY_VIOLATED_FILE_WAS_DETECTED_AND_REMOVED.TXT; Cory-Ann: Please find attached WSPA's written comment submittal on the EQC hearing and the proposed adoption of a Clean Fuels Program. We have zipped the comments and attachments into one file folder in order to reduce the size, so am hoping you are able to open. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thx. Gina D. Grey Vice President, Strategic Policy, Fuels, Southwest and Hawaii Regions Western States Petroleum Association Phone 480-595-7121 Cell 602-315-5713 Fax 480-595-7131