From: Atul Deshmane

Sent: Tue Aug 07 14:51:19 2012

To: CleanFuelsAug2012

Cc: WIND Cory Ann; 'Michael Vevera'

Subject: Comments Regarding Clean Fuels Standard

Importance: Normal



Whole Energy is a producer and distributor of renewable fuels in BC, WA, OR, and CA. We currently provide biodiesel and renewable natural gas. We are interested in providing renewable electricity and propane as a transportation fuel. We would like to see the inclusion of the following in the Clean Fuels Standard:

  1. 1. An allowance of a pathway for 100% renewable natural gas that is placed into a pipeline and then conveyed to a specific transportation end-user
  2. 2. An allowance of a pathway for 100% renewable electricity that is placed into an electrical grid and then conveyed to a specific transportation end-user
  3. 3. An allowance of a pathway for 100% renewable LPG-substitute such as di-methyl ether to be used as a low carbon transportation fuel


We are interested in participating in the adoption of this program. We also suggest that a reporting tool somewhat like what is available under the CA LCFS Reporting Tool be developed and tested long before any users are expected to utilize it.

Regards, Atul

Atul Deshmane

Whole Energy


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