From: Beth Vargas Duncan

Sent: Fri Jul 20 08:02:48 2012

To: OregonCleanFuels

Subject: RE: Draft Rules for Proposed Oregon Clean Fuels Program Now Posted

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.gif;



Please note, at the close of business on Friday, July 20, 2012 my current email address: will become inoperative until about July 26, 2012. In the meantime, I have a temporary email address: that you may use to contact me. If you prefer, you may also just call me at my office: 503-371-6625 or on my cell: 971-600-6976.


Please pardon this inconvenience. We certainly explored the options and attempted more simple avenues to reconcile the email issues I have been experiencing, but it is clear that transferring my domain to another provider is required. I have made my best effort to include all my OMEU contacts in this email, but you are welcome to forward this to others who may be interested. However, please bear in mind that my original email address is expected to be operative again on July 26, 2012.


I appreciate your patience through this process. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Thank you,


Beth Vargas Duncan

Executive Director

Oregon Municipal Electric Utilities

PO Box 928

Salem, OR 97308

503-371-6625 (office)

971-600-6976 (cell)

From: OregonCleanFuels []

Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 7:51 AM

To: WIND Cory Ann


Subject: Draft Rules for Proposed Oregon Clean Fuels Program Now Posted

Dear Interested Parties,

I’m sorry for any potential cross-postings, but I wanted to make sure that you all received this notification.

First, thanks to all of you who provided DEQ with comments about the draft rules and fiscal impact during the past few months. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Second, the formal public comment period on the proposed rules for the Oregon Clean Fuels Program is now open. You can find the link to all of the rulemaking documents on our website. The comment period closes on August 31, 2012. The Environmental Quality Commission will host a public hearing on August 24, 2012 in Portland to receive testimony from the public. Aside from attending the hearing in Portland, members of the public can also visit DEQ’s regional offices in Eugene, Medford, Bend and Pendleton to provide the Commission with testimony via teleconference.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Cory-Ann Wind

Air Quality Planner
