From: FINNERAN Brian

Sent: Tue Jun 26 18:19:42 2012

To: MARKOS Sally; HOUGH Merlyn

Cc: COLLIER David; SAKATA Rachel

Subject: DEQ review of draft Oakridge PM2.5 plan

Importance: High

Attachments: Oakridge PM2 5 Plan 6-15-2012bf-rs.docx;


Merlyn and Sally,

Both Rachel and I have reviewed your draft plan, and the attached has our comments and edits. The “P” comments are me, the “RS” are Rachel. I assume you are also running it by EPA R10 at the same time. Rachel said that it looks like you used our draft KFalls plan as a guide, which is a good way to go. Overall, no major problems, just a bunch of comments. You probably will have questions, so please contact me. I will be in this Wed or Thurs, but out Friday, and parts of next week.

Curious to know what comments you get from EPA.


Brian Finneran

DEQ Air Quality

(503) 229-6278