From: Merlyn Hough

Sent: Fri Jun 29 17:22:13 2012

To: VICK Nicole R.

Cc: MARKOS Sally; Tim Sawyer; Robbye Lanier; COLLIER David; FINNERAN Brian; SAKATA Rachel

Subject: RE: ****Conference Call****Oakridge PM2.5 Attainment Plan

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ole0.bmp;



Here are the schedules as we outlined this morning:

Action KFalls Oakridge

Public notice to SoS and newspapers, etc. by: 07/13/12 08/15/12

Notice published in SoS on: 08/01/12 09/01/12

Public hearing(s) on: 08/16/12 & 08/21/12 09/20/12

Public comment closes on: 08/23/12 09/20/12

LRAPA Board adoption on: 09/20/12

Dry run of EQC presentation on: 12/12/12 12/05/12 or 12/12/12

EQC adoption on: 12/13/12 12/13/12

DEQ will send copies of document drafts for KFalls as they are developed, and LRAPA will prepare equivalents.

LRAPA will do the initial drafts of EQC reports and DEQ will finalize as was done in 2011 for the Eugene PM10 maintenance plan.

LRAPA will do the EQC presentation on Oakridge.

--- Merlyn

Merlyn L. Hough


Lane Regional Air Protection Agency

Phone: (541) 736-1056 x216



From: Merlyn Hough

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 9:01 AM

To: 'VICK Nicole R.'

Cc: Sally Markos; Tim Sawyer; Robbye Lanier; 'COLLIER David'; 'FINNERAN Brian'; 'SAKATA Rachel'

Subject: RE: ****Conference Call****Oakridge PM2.5 Attainment Plan

Nicole and all:

Here is an overview of our proposed schedule for adopting the Oakridge PM2.5 Attainment Plan. Essentially we intend to follow a parallel path in July-December 2012 similar to that of the Eugene-Springfield PM10 maintenance plan in July-December 2011.

First, a review.

The Oakridge Advisory Committee evaluated strategy options during July-December 2011, and recommended the attainment strategy in December 2011.

LRAPA staff reviewed the recommended Oakridge attainment strategy with the LRAPA standing Citizens’ Advisory Committee during January-May 2012. The CAC reviewed the draft attainment plan at their June 2012 meeting, and are expected to complete their review at their July 2012 meeting.

Looking forward, we intend to ask the LRAPA Board at their July 2012 meeting to authorize a public hearing and adoption at their September 2012 meeting. The public hearing will be put out on public notice during August 2012. After adoption by the LRAPA Board in September 2012, we will forward the attainment plan and supporting documentation to DEQ and EQC in early October 2012 in anticipation of EQC adoption in December 2012 and forwarding to EPA for approval.

--- Merlyn







-----Original Appointment-----

From: Merlyn Hough

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 8:48 AM

To: 'VICK Nicole R.'

Cc: Sally Markos; Tim Sawyer; Robbye Lanier; COLLIER David; 'FINNERAN Brian'; SAKATA Rachel

Subject: Accepted: ****Conference Call****Oakridge PM2.5 Attainment Plan

When: Friday, June 29, 2012 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).

Where: Conf. Rm. 11 / call-in

Nicole and all: At least Robbye Lanier and I from LRAPA will be connecting at 10:00am. --- Merlyn