From: Merlyn Hough
Sent: Thu Mar 15 10:11:11 2012
To: ARMITAGE Sarah; Justin Spenillo; CALKINS Larry; Tim Sawyer; Robert Kotchenruther; Robert Elleman; Robbye Lanier; MARKOS Sally
Subject: RE: EPA / LRAPA / ODEQ
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; DEQ-EPA Review Schedule 2012 3 15 with LRAPA Dates.docx; Justin, Sarah and all: We have inserted the LRAPA-Oakridge dates in the attached version. As discussed on Monday, we will be about a month behind DEQ-KFalls in the early stages but plan to be on the same EQC adoption schedule by December 2012. We will plan to join DEQ-EPA on April 27-30, 2012 for the KFalls review meeting but we will need another LRAPA-DEQ-EPA Oakridge review meeting in late May 2012. --- Merlyn Merlyn L. Hough Director Lane Regional Air Protection Agency Phone: (541) 736-1056 x216 From: ARMITAGE Sarah [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 4:47 PM To: 'Justin Spenillo'; CALKINS Larry; Merlyn Hough; Tim Sawyer; Robert Kotchenruther; Robert Elleman Subject: RE: EPA / LRAPA / ODEQ Thanks for updating our review schedule. I made one other change in the attached version, separating out the Plan Analysis and making it due on 3/30. We will check on the larger team’s availability for 4/27. Sarah From: Justin Spenillo [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM To: ARMITAGE Sarah; CALKINS Larry; HOUGH Merlyn;; Robert Kotchenruther; Robert Elleman Subject: EPA / LRAPA / ODEQ Thanks all for joining the call this morning to check-in on the status of the Klamath Falls / Oakridge PM 2.5 Nonattainment planning efforts as well as to discuss PM2.5 offsets. I would like to briefly follow-up on a few items. Please let me know if you have any questions or clarifications.
Thanks and have a good week.
Justin A. Spenillo - US EPA
State and Tribal Air Programs Unit
Office of Air Waste and Toxics