From: WESTBROOK Esther

Sent: Mon Mar 05 12:06:01 2012



Subject: FW: Title V CPI mailing and emailing

Importance: Normal

Attachments: TV Contact Info.xlsx; Title V letter to AQandWQ;


Hi Emma,

We are ready to go ahead with the mailing to the TV sources list via GovDelivery. We decided to just to one letter to all permit holders that includes a heads-up about the planned WQ rulemaking rather than separate letters, so this will make things easier. Can you copy and paste the text from the attached letter (not including the date, name, address and CC) and send it via email to the list of contacts in Tab 2 of the spreadsheet?

I am hoping to send the 7 hard copy letters out today. Can you send out the email by COB tomorrow?

Please let me know if you have any questions on this, and thanks for your help!


From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:50 PM


Subject: Title V CPI mailing and emailing

Emma, I hear that we’ll be emailing Title V sources about the CPI rulemaking, instead of notifying them through hardcopy mail. Nice move! I updated the GovDelivery group “Import list for TRAACS”. It now contains only email addresses for Title V sources. You can send Esther’s letter to sources about the fee increases to this GovDelivery group. Only a handful of sources do not have email addresses, so the hardcopy mailing for this rulemaking will be small.

Esther, See attached: One tab contains the full contact info for every contact type at each Title V source; one tab contains only the email addresses in TRAACS for Title V sources (I put these in GovDelivery); one tab lists the sources that need a hardcopy letter because they have no email in TRAACS.
