From: VICK Nicole R.

Sent: Wed Dec 19 14:31:08 2012

To: ''

Cc: PEARSON Lisa * BAM Analysts; ROCCO Ken G; ROYS Jim; MASON Palmer; OLIPHANT Margaret; KEITH Kristin * BAM Admin

Subject: ODEQ: Title V fee increases authorized in statute adoption

Importance: Normal


Hi, Meagan-

The purpose of this email is to serve as notification of a recent rulemaking adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on December 6, 2012. This rulemaking amended DEQ’s Title V permitting program that increases the fees authorized in statute on December 6, 2012.

This rulemaking is exempt under ORS 291.055 (2)(m).

Maggie Vandehey is DEQ’s agency rules coordinator and I am filling in for her job duties while she is out on leave. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Nicole Vick

Air Quality Program Analyst

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality


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