From: MASON Palmer

Sent: Fri Apr 20 16:37:36 2012

To: REP Sprenger


Subject: DEQ / Manufacturer Registration Fees / E-waste

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Ecycles.Reg.Fees.Notice.pdf;


Dear Rep. Sprenger-

Your office recently asked about a proposed rulemaking relating to the Oregon E-Cycles program. Specifically, your email forwarded concerns raised by Mr. Aziz about a proposed increase in the annual registration fee he pays for the Oregon E-Cycles program. Mr. Aziz is referring to the notice of proposed rulemaking DEQ published earlier this month (attached), inviting public comment on proposed changes in manufacturer registration fees for Oregon E-Cycles.

As Mr. Aziz notes, the annual registration fee for small manufacturers would increase from $40 to $200 under the proposed rules. The Advisory Committee working with DEQ to develop the proposed rules addressed this fee change specifically and believed it was appropriate for small manufacturers. DEQ expects to hear from a broader range of manufacturers during the public comment period. DEQ will consider all comments received before recommending the adoption of fee changes to the Environmental Quality Commission in June. As part of the deliberation, DEQ will explore options to reduce fees for the smallest of the small manufacturers, such as Mr. Aziz.

The attached notice provides additional information regarding the proposed registration fee changes. Please let me know if you or your staff have any questions.

