From: DEQ Online Subscriptions

Sent: Fri Mar 30 17:27:44 2012

To: PERRY Marylou

Subject: Rule Amendment: Oregon Electronic Recycling Program, Oregon E-Cycles.

Importance: Normal


DEQ invites your input on proposed permanent rule amendments to chapter 340 of the Oregon Administrative Rules.

DEQ proposes adopting rules under OAR 340-098 to revise the annual registration fees electronics manufacturers pay under Oregon’s electronic recycling program, Oregon E-Cycles, and to describe DEQ’s process for determining those fees.

These proposed rules would establish registration fees that will generate revenue to approximately match DEQ’s costs for administering the Oregon E-Cycles program. The proposal would establish:

• The revenue need to cover DEQ’s projected administrative costs

• A six-tier fee structure and process to distribute the revenue need among registered manufacturers based primarily on their market share.

Visit the DEQ Rulemaking web page for more information about this proposal.

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