From: Gizmobyte Computers

Sent: Fri Mar 30 18:10:38 2012

To: Comment-E-Cycles

Subject: E-Cycles Registration Fee Change

Importance: Normal


To Whom It May Concern:

I propose a rule exempting small computer stores that have not had any weighted volume from the program since inception as not having to be required to be part of the DEQ program. For us one or two person shops that build a few computers a year the law is overextending and creating a burden on the little guy. A far larger contributor to electronics is places like where people buy parts themselves and assemble their own computer.

As small computer stores seldom build custom computers anymore, and, far less than what individuals are buying and building off places like, I propose exempting businesses that have a measurable volume less than a preset percentage, i.e. .01, or, that sell less than a set number of custom computers a year, i.e. twenty.

Also, there needs to be a way to get off the list when the business is no longer assembling a computer, i.e., 3 years after last computer built or when measurable volume drops below .01.

Please, give us an exit strategy rather than having to entirely close our business down just to get out from having to pay an undeserved fee!

Patrick Ewing

