From: PICKERELL Loretta
Sent: Sun Sep 18 23:53:42 2011
To: KIWALA Kathy; PALMERI Jordan; PERRY Marylou; WOODROW Beth
Cc: MASON Palmer
Subject: Fee project plan
Importance: Normal
Attachments: FeeProjPlnLP091811.docx; All – Attached for your review is a revised registration fee project plan to cover tasks needed to prepare for stakeholder meetings and the follow up briefing for Wendy – required before we can move ahead with inviting participants for the workgroup and scheduling workgroup meetings. Kathy is revising the fee rulemaking project plan – but I think we need this part of that plan now to guide our work over the next few weeks. Kathy will integrate the attached tasks into the larger fee project plan – revised in response to your comments. Please review and send comments REPLY ALL by Wednesday, 9/21, if possible. If not, please let me know when you’ll have a chance to review it. Here are a couple highlights for particular attention: · Is the schedule too tight for preparing the budget and fee model docs and presentation outlines – with Mary Lou out until Wednesday, 9/21? If so, we could probably move that part of the briefing for Wendy scheduled for 10/4 (see attached plan) back a bit to allow more prep time now. See next bullet. · We cannot invite participants for the workgroup or firm up meeting dates with them (can hold tentative dates) until after we have briefed Wendy on the workgroup process (list of invitees, process for invites, messages for invites). The project plan attached schedules the next briefing with Wendy on 10/4 – to include both review of budget/fee model/efficiencies docs and presentation outlines as well as workgroup processes. We might be able to brief Wendy separately and earlier on the workgroup processes – if the briefing materials for that briefing are ready before the Palmer/Wendy/Loretta schedule crunch later this week/all of next week or we can work the briefing in during the crunch times. (A separate briefing on stakeholder process only would include Wendy, Palmer, Kathy and me; Beth if available; and Mary Lou and Jordan if interested/available.) We’ll have a better idea on briefing Wendy after Kathy, Palmer, and I meet this week (assuming Palmer can meet). If you have thoughts on this – please share them. · We will likely not be able to schedule the initial stakeholder meetings for sooner than 3 weeks after Wendy approves inviting workgroup participants – to allow time to invite participants and schedule meetings with them. If we brief Wendy on 10/4, the initial workgroup meeting would likely be the latter part of October. That gives you an idea of when we would need to plan to send documents to stakeholders – not included in the attached piece of the project plan. Please let me know if you have questions – Thanks Loretta