From: PICKERELL Loretta
Sent: Mon Nov 28 21:08:27 2011
To: WILES Wendy; WOODROW Beth; PALMERI Jordan; KIWALA Kathy; PERRY Marylou
Cc: SHEPPERD Michelle; MASON Palmer
Subject: Annotated agenda for 11/29 Reg Fee Adv Comm meeting
Importance: Normal
Attachments: FeeRmkgDrftAdvCommAg112811.docx; RegFeeBckgrGoalAsspts112811.pptx; All – Attached is the revised annotated agenda for tomorrow’s meeting that we discussed today. I have also attached the short PowerPoint presentation for the Background, Goals, Assumptions piece. Michelle will post the Background, Goals, Assumptions PwrPt presentation tomorrow morning (she comes in at 6:30). Wendy -- I have put hard copies of this annotated agenda, the posted agenda and the PowerPoint presentations on your chair. See you tomorrow, Loretta