From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Wed Dec 07 12:17:22 2011

To: PICKENS Chris; POLLOCK Andree; PERRY Marylou; WOODROW Beth

Subject: E-Cycles IT presentation for Adv Comm

Importance: Normal


All –

I just sent a meeting invite for next Wednesday (sorry Thursday didn’t work, Chris) afternoon. I could not make the week of 12/20 work for a conference call with manufacturers, so we’ll plan to cover this presentation at the first Adv Committee meeting in January – either 1/12 (10-2) or 1/13 (9-12). I will send invites to you for those meetings (final dates pending doodle to Adv Com).

Following are the action items I noted from yesterday’s meeting:

· Prepare the presentation on the E-Cycles IT system for the Adv Comm – Chris

· Get most recent IT system cost estimates to Beth - Chris

· Work with Beth to identify how she came up with the IT system costs in her budget presentation – Chris and Beth

· Find out what IT systems WA and other states (Jason/NCER) use for their e-waste recycling programs – Mary Lou

· Review past discussions of E-Cycles IT systems with E-Cycles Work Group – Loretta

We’ll use next Wednesday’s meeting as a rough dry run and check in.

Please let me know if I’ve missed something.

Thanks all,
