From: VANDEHEY Maggie
Sent: Mon Dec 19 08:51:49 2011
Cc: NUTTALL Christie; PERRY Marylou
Subject: RE: RM E-Cycles: Blueprint on SharePoint
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.gif; Loretta, I hope you are enjoying your leave. I’ll incorporate your bracketed comments but would like some input on the red circles (?). Maggie Vandehey (503) 229-6878 From: PICKERELL Loretta Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 6:51 PM To: VANDEHEY Maggie Cc: NUTTALL Christie; PERRY Marylou Subject: RE: RM E-Cycles: Blueprint on SharePoint All – I got into this for a bit just now – made some changes in the fee section, but have to get on to other work now. I couldn’t get the comment boxes to work well (no red circle) – so noted comments in brackets in the text boxes. I will likely not get back to this until I return on 1/3. I’ll be doing some work the week of 12/27, but only essential stuff – and have a ton of that. Thanks Loretta From: VANDEHEY Maggie Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 2:59 PM To: PICKERELL Loretta Cc: NUTTALL Christie; PERRY Marylou Subject: RM E-Cycles: Blueprint on SharePoint Hi Loretta, Here is the E-Cycles Blueprint with the view limited to the Fee section that we talked about. If you’ll recall, you agreed to go through this section first. http://deqmoss/sites/LQ/ecycles/Fee%20RM/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Christie and I will be meeting once a week. I canceled the weekly meetings with Kathy. I’ll meet with Marylou next week and we’ll decide is we need to set up any repetitive meetings. Thank you for your patience as I finish up tax credits. Maggie Vandehey (503) 229-6878