From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Mon Jan 30 12:30:05 2012

To: PICKERELL Loretta; 'Betty Patton'; 'Dickenson, John'; 'Greiersen, Anton'; 'Eudis, Aaron'; 'Malsom, Charlene'; 'Jason Linnell'; 'Carson Maxted'

Cc: FRITZMANN Mary; PERRY Marylou; SHEPPERD Michelle

Subject: Meeting to discuss Oregon E-Cycles 2011 annual reports - manufacturer plans

Importance: Normal


Dear E-Cycles recycling program reps:

In the recent emails on credit reporting, I proposed a conference call with recycling program representatives to discuss the 2011 annual reports, including credit reporting. On that call, I would also like to discuss DEQ’s initial plans to evaluate the E-Cycles recycling programs to identify opportunities for streamlining or other improvements. Based on your responses, we have scheduled the meeting for:

Friday, February 3, 10-11:30 PST

In person: DEQ HQ – Room 7

Conference call: (866) 680-0168 Code: 279544

Please let me know if you have questions.

I look forward to talking with you on Friday.


Loretta Pickerell, Manager

Solid Waste Policy and Program Development

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

811 SW Sixth Ave.

Portland, OR 97204

503-229-5808, fax 503-229-6977