From: VANDEHEY Maggie
Sent: Wed Feb 01 19:24:53 2012
To: WOODROW Beth; PERRY Marylou
Subject: RE: E-waste fee rule
Importance: Normal
Attachments: SampleFeeApprovalSubmittal.pdf; Beth and Marylou, I’ve attached a SAMPLE of the blueprint-generated fee approval request. My input is in the email below. FYI: the blueprint does have a request for preliminary review email but it is not quite there. Who will be drafting the old forms? Maggie Vandehey ext. 6878 From: WOODROW Beth Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 3:49 PM To: VANDEHEY Maggie; PERRY Marylou Subject: E-waste fee rule Maggie/Marylou, Below is the text of an e-mail I plan to send to Lisa Pearson. Please review and edit for accuracy (and tone!). I think we should send her the link to the advisory group web site, but I’m not sure whether we should do that now, or wait til the 13th. Opinions? Lisa, We would like your informal review of the attached fee approval request. As busy as we all will be in the next few months, we thought an advanced draft of DEQ’s proposed increase to the e-waste registration fee would help keep us on schedule. We plan to deliver the finalized and complete package to you by Monday, February 13th. As you probably recall, during the 2011 session we informed our Ways and Means sub-committee that we would be asking the EQC to change the fee by rule beginning in 2012, as permitted under e-waste statutes. We did not have at that time sufficient information to request Legislative approval of the fees, so we need to follow the “SB 333 process.” Since that time, we have been working on fee alternatives and have met twice with our advisory group to review cost information and fee concepts. The submittal date of February 13th provides the required 30 days for your review and, assuming DAS approval, keeps us on track for the planned EQC adoption date of June 21-22. I have attached DEQ’s E-CyclesFeeApprovalPart1. DEQ’s new rulemaking system captures the information requested on each of the DAS documents then generates the new form. Maggie Vandehey, our rules coordinator, shared earlier versions with your office in 2010 and 2011. To help keep the fee approval on schedule, I’ve also attached the draft DAS forms 107BF21 and 107BF22. Please let me know if the information presented in these forms meet your needs. Contact Maggie at (503) 228-6878 or with feedback or questions about the new form. Beth Woodrow DEQ Land Quality Fiscal Analyst 503-229-6997