From: WOODROW Beth

Sent: Tue Mar 13 10:06:14 2012

To: PEARSON Lisa * BAM Analysts

Cc: MASON Palmer; ROYS Jim; PICKERELL Loretta; PERRY Marylou

Subject: FW: RM_E-Cycles: Request for DAS Fee Approval

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; E-Cycles-V2.0.pdf;



DEQ is scheduled to send a notice of proposed rulemaking to the Secretary of State for the attached fee rule this Thursday, March 15th.

As you are reviewing our submittal, please note that, as a result of advisory committee input since we sent the materials, three key elements have changed:

· We are suspending our plans to develop an improved database.

· As a result of that suspension, the target revenue for 2012-13 invoices is decreased from $435,000 to $415,000.

· The proposed fee cap – the maximum to be paid by any manufacturer – is reduced from $40,000 to $35,000.

Should you have any questions about our proposal, please e-mail or give me a call. My number is 503-229-6997.

From: PERRY Marylou

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 1:29 PM


Subject: FW: RM_E-Cycles: Request for DAS Fee Approval


Beth –

Here it is – and we got a “read” receipt from DAS.

Mary Lou

From: HAMMOND Joni

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 10:42

To: JORDAN Michael J * DO EXEC

Cc: PEARSON Lisa * BAM Analysts; WILES Wendy; ROYS Jim; PICKERELL Loretta; MASON Palmer; VANDEHEY Maggie; PERRY Marylou

Subject: FW: RM_E-Cycles: Request for DAS Fee Approval

Dear Mr. Jordan:

The Department of Environmental Quality is planning a rulemaking that would increase E-Cycles registration fees that require Department of Administrative Service approval. DEQ plans to submit the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Secretary of State on March 15, 2012. Our best practice is to have DAS approval before we go out for public notice. In the past we have sent these letters by US Post office or shuttle. We are changing our practice to be more efficient and timely.

The fee approval documents in the attachment include:

· DEQ’s system-generated Fee Approval Form that simulates DAS form 107BF22.

· DEQ's system-generated Fee Detail form that captures information requested on form 107BF22, it’s instructions and the instructions for the cover letter.

· Sample fee calculations using DEQ proposed registration fee model

· Fee Structures Used For Calculations

Please contact the following person if you have questions or need additional information about the fees.

Marylou Perry

Department of Environmental Quality (503) 229-5731

811 SW Sixth Avenue

Portland, OR 97204-1390

If you have any questions about DEQ’s new rulemaking system or the format, please contact Maggie Vandehey at (503) 228-6878 or

Thank you

Joni Hammond

Deputy Director