From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Fri Mar 16 12:42:51 2012

To: PERRY Marylou; PICKERELL Loretta

Subject: RM-E-Cycles: Announcement

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Announcement.docx;



This is the new announcement template that Joanie approved for rulemaking. I’ve pulled the information from the Proposal and you need to verify the accuracy. You are the first to use it! You have been so lucky! Please review it and send it back to me rather than Brian. Since he wasn’t involved in developing it, I want to give him some background.

Marylou, I had this further along than I thought and it took only a few minutes. I will talk with Joanie about OCO requirements that are not aligned with the Kaizen recommendations when we meet on Monday. It’s all a learning curve.

Thank you both.

Maggie Vandehey

ext. 6878