From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Wed Mar 21 14:27:58 2012

To: PERRY Marylou

Subject: RM_E-Cycles: Finalizing notice

Importance: Normal

Attachments: E-CycleBlueprint-V2.23.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro.pdf;


Hi Marylou,

Here is where I think we are on the notice package in the order it will show on the rulemaking website:

Announcement Need Loretta’s final approval then I’ll take it through Brian for OCO review.

Proposal Background (the attachment) Needs the exact rule numbers & names.

Proposed rule I need to review it when done.

When the package is complete, either you or Loretta needs to give Wendy a heads-up.

Thank you!


Maggie Vandehey| Management Services | Sr. Operations and Policy Analyst

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality| 811 SW 6th Ave

Portland, Oregon 97204-1390 |

( (503) 229-6878 | 7(503) 229-6730 | *