From: Vrooman Gary L

Sent: Fri Mar 30 08:17:46 2012

To: PICKERELL Loretta; PERRY Marylou

Subject: RE: JUSTICE-#3288901-v5-e-waste_fee_rules_draft (2)

Importance: Normal

Attachments: JUSTICE-#3288901-v5-e-waste_fee_rules.DOCX;


A few minor edits and some responses to comments on the attached.

Gary L. Vrooman

Assistant Attorney General

Oregon Department of Justice

Natural Resources Section


From: PICKERELL Loretta []

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 12:57 AM

To: PERRY Marylou; VROOMAN Gary L

Subject: RE: JUSTICE-#3288901-v5-e-waste_fee_rules_draft (2)

Gary and Mary Lou-

It’s late –attached are my suggestions, comments, questions. I’ll review this again when not so tired tomorrow, but wanted you to see my initial comments.

Mary Lou – do we need to use titles for each section? Does it make rules clearer? Have suggested changes if we keep them.

Gary, you’ll see a few comments from me, but particularly need your review of the addition to Revenue Need (2)(b).

Have noted a couple places in 2012 registration fees section where the edits changed the meaning – I noted changes needed.



From: PERRY Marylou

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:15 PM


Subject: FW: JUSTICE-#3288901-v5-e-waste_fee_rules_draft (2)

Loretta and Gary –

I worked with Maggie to make these changes – many are changes to naming and numbering conventions. Some are language changes – and we moved the overview to its own section at the beginning of 340-098-150. Please review and accept (or not accept) these changes.

Mary Lou

From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 16:05

To: PERRY Marylou

Subject: JUSTICE-#3288901-v5-e-waste_fee_rules_draft (2)



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