From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Thu May 31 10:09:21 2012

To: CALDERA Stephanie

Cc: PERRY Marylou

Subject: RE: RM-E-Cycles - Final EQC Submittal.docx

Importance: Normal

Attachments: RM-E-Cycles - EQC Submittal 5 30 12 Comment change.docx;



The change is in response to comment #7.



From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 10:34 AM

To: VANDEHEY Maggie; CALDERA Stephanie

Cc: PERRY Marylou

Subject: FW: RM-E-Cycles - Final EQC Submittal.docx

Maggie and Stephanie –

I fixed one typo in the attached draft, so please use the draft attached to this email (same doc name as the draft in Maggie’s email below). [FYI - here’s the change: Comment 6. Two-tier fee structure would more equitably meets program objectives.].


Thanks for your patience with one more read through! Appreciate your work on this -- please let me know if you have questions.



From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:38 AM


Cc: PERRY Marylou; CALDERA Stephanie

Subject: RE: RM-E-Cycles - Final EQC Submittal.docx


I’ve accepted your changes and suggestions after reviewing your comments. I did not change language to any alternative you suggested in your comments but left the original language. I moved Table 4. I removed your comments from this version. Additionally, I’ve changed the template to reflect your change to the five-year review – thank you!

Please approve.


From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:53 PM


Cc: PERRY Marylou; CALDERA Stephanie

Subject: RE: RM-E-Cycles - Final EQC Submittal.docx


Attached are my suggested fixes in track changes – noted a few more this afternoon (e.g., cost/unit, consistency with tenses, missing words), some in unlikely places (e.g., Five-Year Review and Commenters). I’ll check in with you Wednesday morning.



From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:32 AM

To: VANDEHEY Maggie; CALDERA Stephanie

Cc: PERRY Marylou

Subject: RE: RM-E-Cycles - Final EQC Submittal.docx


Looks like we needed a flash read through at the end of our speed session Friday. I found a couple places I think we’ll want to fix - will show them to you Tuesday.



From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 5:09 PM

To: CALDERA Stephanie

Cc: PICKERELL Loretta; PERRY Marylou; AERNE Melissa; MASON Palmer

Subject: RM-E-Cycles - Final EQC Submittal.docx


Loretta, Mary Lou and I finished our “speed editing” to incorporate today’s edits. We accepted your changes and mine with a couple of minor wording changes. Thank you for your work on this!

I’ve established bookmarks for each of the section headings. You may notice that I removed the link to Attachment A in the recommendation because it will be in the sidebar of the pdf.

The team really deserves a hero’s thanks and we’ll celebrate once you’ve finalize it!

Enjoy your four-day break.


X 6878