
Sent: Tue Nov 15 17:03:56 2011

To: waterqualitystandards


Subject: Fw: EPA comments on the proposed WQS revisions for the WDMC near Hermiston, OR

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Final Comment Letter to DEQ_111511.pdf; Final Comment Document to DEQ_111511.pdf;




----- Forwarded by Jill Nogi/R10/USEPA/US on 11/15/2011 04:31 PM -----


From:  Jill Nogi/R10/USEPA/US


Cc:  Jannine Jennings/R10/USEPA/US@EPA,,

Date:  11/15/2011 04:30 PM

Subject:  EPA comments on the proposed WQS revisions for the WDMC near

Hermiston, OR



Hi Don,


Attached please find EPA's comments on the proposed WQS revisions for

the West Division Main Canal. A hard copy was mailed out to DEQ this

afternoon, but we wanted to make sure you received these within the

designated public comment period. Please feel free to call if you would

like clarification on these comments.


(See attached file: Final Comment Letter to DEQ_111511.pdf)(See attached

file: Final Comment Document to DEQ_111511.pdf)


Jill A. Nogi, MPH

US EPA - Region 10

Office of Water and Watersheds

Water Quality Standards Unit

1200 6th Avenue Suite 900 Mail Stop: OWW-131

Seattle, WA 98101


phone: 206 553 1841

fax: 206 553 0165