From: Christina Thompson

Sent: Mon Nov 28 00:46:35 2011

To: waterqualitystandards

Subject: WQ Certification Procedures for Klamath River Restoration Project

Importance: Normal


Regarding the deconstruction of the dam in the summer of 2012. My understanding is that the warm water behind a damn in the sort of "thermal bath" that is created by the deep water behind the damn may very well be detrimental to both the BOD and DOD. It is well known that the BOD can vary the DO, and also the turbidity.


What I am asking you to consider is not only the factors you mentioned, but the direct effect on temperature on all of those, and to consider that although summer can have small amounts of water come through, the heat of the water being released may be quite short of DO because of it's heat load and the relative BOD by the nature of the aquatic life behidn the damn being artificially warmed by the deepness of the thermal bath before the damn.


I realize the temperatures that the damn can distribute are regulated. I don't know why that isn't mentioned in your docket, and why the choice was to do it "sometime in the summer" I would hope that temperature be taken into account.


Thank you, a friend of the fauna and flora of the Klamath,

Christina Thompson