From: David G FARRER

Sent: Mon Jun 13 12:20:25 2011

To: Comment-PIL

Cc: STIFEL Barbara.L; CUDE Curtis.G; SHIBLEY Gail.R; DOUGLAS Jae.P

Subject: OAR 340-045-0100

Importance: Normal

Attachments: OHA comments on proposed rule change to OAR 340.045.0100.pdf;


Please find attached comments on proposed revisions to Initiation Level (OAR 340-045-0100) suspending the requirement to develop a reduction plan for cholesterol and coprostanol.

David Farrer

Office of Environmental Public Health

Oregon Health Authority

800 NE Oregon St., Ste. 640

Portland, OR 97232-2162

tel. (971) 673-0971

fax (971) 673-0979