Rulemaking Workgroup: Non-NPDES Source Issues

November 18, 2009, 8:30 – 12:30

Location: **US EPA - Region 10 Building, 20th Floor conference room

805 S.W. Broadway, Portland, OR


Proposed Agenda


Overall Goal of Effort: Respond to the EQC’s directive of October 2008 and 2009


Objective for Today: To understand DEQ’s authorities regarding non-NPDES sources and identify if there are problems that could be addressed through the water quality standards rule making effort.


8:20  Gather and settle


8:30  Welcome and Introductions Donna Silverberg, Facilitator, DS Consulting


8:45  Setting the Context for the Meeting: – Jennifer Wigal, Kevin Masterson, & Gene Foster, DEQ

▪  Getting Grounded: Background of Water Quality Standards work to date

▪  Process Expectations:

o  Purpose and Scope of Group

o  How does this fit with other DEQ processes underway?

▪  Comments & Discussion


9:30  What’s Being Done in Non-Point Source Toxics Reduction? –Kevin Masterson, DEQ & Group

•  DEQ will begin by sharing an overview of what the agency is doing with regards to NPS toxics reduction. Others will add to this list.


10:00  Break


10:15  What are DEQ’s Legal Authorities Regarding Non-NPDES Sources? – Gene Foster & Kevin Masterson, DEQ

•  DEQ will provide an overview of their research into existing authorities.


10:45  Perspectives on Authority: Links between Non-NPDES and the Water Quality Standards Rule

 Making for Human Health—Group

•  Given the authority described by DEQ, the request of the EQC to review and make appropriate links between the water quality standards and non-NPDES issues, and issues raised by municipalities and environmental advocates: What is the process for identifying problems or gaps? Are there clear problem statements that can be stated at this point or is more information needed?


11:30  Information Identification and Other Needs to Aid Continued Discussion - Group

•  What information does the group need in order to support useful discussions and problem solving? What needs to happen between now and the January meeting? Who, what, when, where, and how?


12:15  Next steps; Wrap up

12:30  Adjourn Thank you for your participation in this effort.