Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues #3

March 31, 2010, 10:00 – 4:00

Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room

Portland, OR

Call-in Line: 866-299-3188

Code: 503-326-5873





10:00  Welcome and Introductions (Donna Silverberg)


Goals for this meeting

 Review where we are in terms of process, where we are headed given direction from EQC

 Some process input (pretreatment)

 Some informational (sediments & toxics)

 TMDLs some of both



10:10   Updates/Announcements (All)


10:20  Future Direction for DEQ (DEQ)

➢  EQC Meeting Feb. 18

➢  Stakeholder Work Group Meetings: *Work Plan and *Monthly Work Group Agenda Items

*Documents will be sent out prior to meeting


Things we need to address as part of this agenda

 Overview of EQC meeting, their direction to DEQ, our approach to meeting mid-2011 date (NM)

◦  Note memo to the workgroup summarizing EQC direction and EQC workplan forwarded on to group (NM)

◦  Emphasize this is a continuation of same rulemaking work (will not be revisiting scope or other decisions already made)

◦  Address M. Campbell’s proposal to do As, Fe, Mn, earlier (NM)

▪  Highlight resource implications

▪  100% agreement from this group to consider

◦  Review overview of approach to meetings, etc. (incl. location, schedule) (JW)

▪  Emphasize need to finalize scope by end of April stakeholder meeting

◦  Scope: Group discussion will focus on those items to be included in rulemaking for which EQC has authority. Things outside authority will be parking lotted (JW)

 How we will conduct the meetings to accomplish these goals (JW)

◦  Identify goals and objectives for each meeting and for each agenda item

◦  Note assignments coming out of meetings

◦  Clearly parking lot items that take us too far off central topic and/or outside of scope of work (e.g., recommendations to EQC, items outside of scope of rule)

◦  Work toward resolution of issues (highlight issue papers)

▪  Bring issue papers to provide basis for discussion

▪  Issue papers drafted to capture topics discussed and under consideraton

 Today’s topics & scope of non-NPDES discussions (JW)

◦  Review meeting with non-NPDES volunteers on 3/24 re: scope of non-NPDES elements

◦  Evaluate those important/critical items identified by that group (statutory roadblock? Not appropriate for rulemaking? Relevant but doable/not doable.

◦  Resolve at April 27 meeting.

 EPA’s upcoming action on 2004 Toxics

◦  Review scenarios (approval/disapproval) (JJ)

◦  DEQ committed to process—right thing to do (NM)

◦  Reinforces our perspective that it’s critical DEQ stay on schedule(NM)

◦  Commitment from group to work through issues (NM)



11:15  Pretreatment (Rick Williams, Clayton Brown, ACWA Pretreatment Committee and Tiffany Yelton Bram, DEQ) –will be introduced by David Klewier


Description: Presentation on current Federal/State approved Pretreatment programs, subcommittee's example of a Local Program, and Pollution Prevention Tools.  This stakeholder group would like to work on ideas that work towards reducing or eliminating toxic pollutants at the source.


Objectives: Work collaboratively with the Workgroup on ideas for addressing Pollution Prevention tools used together with Federal and State Approved Pretreatment Programs and Local Programs.


*Materials sent via e-mail with agenda


12:00  LUNCH


1:00  Overview of Sediment and Toxics (DEQ)


Description: DEQ will present a programmatic and scientific overview of sediment and toxics to prep work group members for future discussions.


Objectives: To provide work group members with a fundamental understanding of sediment delivery mechanisms and toxics transport processes. Work group members will also gain knowledge on use of sediment benchmarks, using sediment as a surrogate for toxics TMDLs, and current work on revising the turbidity standard.


2:00  Implementation-Ready TMDLs (DEQ)


Description: DEQ will explain how toxics are currently addressed in TMDLs, how they are implemented, and the changes DEQ is proposing.


 Objectives: Prepare the rulemaking work group for future discussions.


3:30  Wrap Up/Next Steps  

 Review action items, including assignments/progress expected to be made prior to next meeting

 Review next month’s agenda, including objectives for each agenda item

◦  Any critical info needed to reach objectives that not already considered?



4:00  Adjourn






Note: We’ll take breaks as needed by workgroup members