Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues #3
March 31, 2010, 10:00 – 4:00
Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room
Portland, OR
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Code: 503-326-5873
10:00 Welcome and Introductions (Donna Silverberg)
Goals for this meeting
• Review where we are in terms of process, where we are headed given direction from EQC
• Some process input (pretreatment)
• Some informational (sediments & toxics)
• TMDLs some of both
10:10 Updates/Announcements (All)
10:20 Future Direction for DEQ (DEQ)
➢ EQC Meeting Feb. 18
➢ Stakeholder Work Group Meetings: *Work Plan and *Monthly Work Group Agenda Items
*Documents will be sent out prior to meeting
Things we need to address as part of this agenda
• Overview of EQC meeting, their direction to DEQ, our approach to meeting mid-2011 date (NM)
◦ Note memo to the workgroup summarizing EQC direction and EQC workplan forwarded on to group (NM)
◦ Emphasize this is a continuation of same rulemaking work (will not be revisiting scope or other decisions already made)
◦ Address M. Campbell’s proposal to do As, Fe, Mn, earlier (NM)
▪ Highlight resource implications
▪ 100% agreement from this group to consider
◦ Review overview of approach to meetings, etc. (incl. location, schedule) (JW)
▪ Emphasize need to finalize scope by end of April stakeholder meeting
◦ Scope: Group discussion will focus on those items to be included in rulemaking for which EQC has authority. Things outside authority will be parking lotted (JW)
• How we will conduct the meetings to accomplish these goals (JW)
◦ Identify goals and objectives for each meeting and for each agenda item
◦ Note assignments coming out of meetings
◦ Clearly parking lot items that take us too far off central topic and/or outside of scope of work (e.g., recommendations to EQC, items outside of scope of rule)
◦ Work toward resolution of issues (highlight issue papers)
▪ Bring issue papers to provide basis for discussion
▪ Issue papers drafted to capture topics discussed and under consideraton
• Today’s topics & scope of non-NPDES discussions (JW)
◦ Review meeting with non-NPDES volunteers on 3/24 re: scope of non-NPDES elements
◦ Evaluate those important/critical items identified by that group (statutory roadblock? Not appropriate for rulemaking? Relevant but doable/not doable.
◦ Resolve at April 27 meeting.
• EPA’s upcoming action on 2004 Toxics
◦ Review scenarios (approval/disapproval) (JJ)
◦ DEQ committed to process—right thing to do (NM)
◦ Reinforces our perspective that it’s critical DEQ stay on schedule(NM)
◦ Commitment from group to work through issues (NM)
11:15 Pretreatment (Rick Williams, Clayton Brown, ACWA Pretreatment Committee and Tiffany Yelton Bram, DEQ) –will be introduced by David Klewier
Description: Presentation on current Federal/State approved Pretreatment programs, subcommittee's example of a Local Program, and Pollution Prevention Tools. This stakeholder group would like to work on ideas that work towards reducing or eliminating toxic pollutants at the source.
Objectives: Work collaboratively with the Workgroup on ideas for addressing Pollution Prevention tools used together with Federal and State Approved Pretreatment Programs and Local Programs.
*Materials sent via e-mail with agenda
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Overview of Sediment and Toxics (DEQ)
Description: DEQ will present a programmatic and scientific overview of sediment and toxics to prep work group members for future discussions.
Objectives: To provide work group members with a fundamental understanding of sediment delivery mechanisms and toxics transport processes. Work group members will also gain knowledge on use of sediment benchmarks, using sediment as a surrogate for toxics TMDLs, and current work on revising the turbidity standard.
2:00 Implementation-Ready TMDLs (DEQ)
Description: DEQ will explain how toxics are currently addressed in TMDLs, how they are implemented, and the changes DEQ is proposing.
Objectives: Prepare the rulemaking work group for future discussions.
3:30 Wrap Up/Next Steps
• Review action items, including assignments/progress expected to be made prior to next meeting
• Review next month’s agenda, including objectives for each agenda item
◦ Any critical info needed to reach objectives that not already considered?
4:00 Adjourn
Note: We’ll take breaks as needed by workgroup members