Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues/ Meeting #4

April 27, 2010, 1:00 – 4:00 AFTERNOON SESSION


Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room

805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250

Call-in Line: 866-299-3188

Code: 503-326-5873


Meeting Goals:

❖  Finalize scope of non-NPDES items for this rulemaking

❖  Discuss sediment and toxics issue paper and options; answer workgroup questions; and make a decision regarding which approach the workgroup recommends.

❖  DEQ presents options for proceeding with an antidegradation implementation approach for nonpoint sources. Make a decision regarding which option to pursue.




12:45  Gather and Settle


1:00  Welcome, Introductions and Review Goals (Donna Silverberg)

▪  Updates/Announcements (All)


1:20  Finalize Scope of Non-NPDES Action Items (Neil Mullane and Jennifer Wigal)

 Objective: Finalize scope of what DEQ will include in this rulemaking effort.


DEQ has evaluated proposals received from workgroup members, other stakeholders and DEQ staff.  To adopt this rulemaking package by mid 2011, DEQ must finalize the scope of the Non-NPDES Action Items by April 30. 


Materials: Scoping Evaluation for Non-NPDES Elements of Water Quality Toxics Rulemaking (dated 4/20 and sent out with agenda)  


DEQ’s Current Recommendation: See scoping evaluation handout.


Today’s Process :

1.  DEQ will provide a quick overview of what information was evaluated and the criteria utilized in the evaluation.

2.  DEQ will provide a summary of its recommendation regarding what will and will not be included.

3.  Input from work group members. (NOTE: Please come prepared with specific and concise statements of any concerns). Several particular items from the scoping evaluation table for work group discussion include:

#2  Remove existing shields for individual land owners for nonpoint source pollution in Water Quality Standards.


#7  Clarify nonpoint sources that are not covered under the Oregon Forest Practices Act

Forest Practices Act (FPA) regulates nonpoint sources of pollution related to commercial forest activities.  There are many activities that are not regulated under FPA but are subject to Agricultural Water Quality Management Program, Water Quality Standards, and other regulations.  DEQ rules could be revised to clarify which nonpoint sources are regulated under DEQ authority. 


4.  DEQ summarize next steps, including when work group members will be notified of DEQ’s final decision on scope.


2:00  Sediment and Toxics

Objectives: Discuss issue paper and options within it; answer any questions that workgroup may have.


Materials: Sediment Issue Paper (dated 4/20 and sent out with agenda)


Decision Needed: Which approach does the workgroup recommend?


Today’s Process:

1.  DEQ presents overview of options and policy considerations.

2.  Input from work group members (NOTE: Please come prepared with specific and concise ideas).

3.  Work group decides which option to recommend DEQ pursue.


2:45  Break


3:00  Antidegradation Implementation for Nonpoint Sources (Debra Sturdevant)

Objectives: Present options for how to proceed with antidegradation implementation for nonpoint sources and draft DEQ recommendations for which to include in this rulemaking. Workgroup input and decision on whether to endorse DEQ recommendations.


Materials: Antidegradation Issue Paper (dated 4/20 and sent out with agenda)


 DEQ’s Current Recommendation: See draft issue paper


 Today’s Process:

1.  DEQ present overview of options available, limiting factors, feasibility of options and policy considerations.

2. Input from work group members (NOTE: Please come prepared with specific and concise ideas).

3. DEQ decides which option to pursue


3:45  Wrap Up/Next Steps

▪  Review of Decisions

▪  Review of Action Items

▪  Establish May 20th agenda


4:00  Adjourn





Thank you for your commitment to these issues and this process