Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues/ Meeting #5
May 20, 2010, 1:00 – 4:00 AFTERNOON SESSION
Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room
805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Code: 503-326-5873
Meeting Goals:
❖ Gauge support for DEQ’s recommendations on topics covered today and provide background information
12:45 Gather and Settle
1:00 Welcome, Introductions and Review Goals (Donna Silverberg)
▪ Updates/Announcements (All)
1:10 Summary of DEQ’s interactions with ODF and ODA (Gene Foster)
Materials: None—brief presentation
1. Work group understanding of the relationship between the Agricultural Water Quality Management Program, Forest Practices Act , CWA, and other related programs
1:30 Antidegradation Implementation for Nonpoint Sources (Debra Sturdevant)
Materials: Antidegradation issue paper distributed with agenda
1. Provide background information on Oregon’s antidegradation policy
2. Present a draft proposal for developing guidance on how Oregon’s antidegradation policy could be applied in order to reduce nonpoint sources of toxics to Oregon waters
3. Rulemaking workgroup discussion
4. Gauge RWG support for DEQ’s proposal
2:20 Break
2:30 Implementation-Ready TMDLs (Gene Foster)
Materials: Implementation-Ready TMDL issue paper distributed with agenda
1. Provide background information on Oregon’s current TMDL program
2. Explain DEQ’s recommendation in the “Implementation Ready” TMDL package
3. Rulemaking workgroup discussion and feedback
4. Gauge stakeholder support for DEQ’s proposal
3:15 Division 41 Proposed Rule Revisions (Gene Foster)
Materials: Division 41 Proposed Rule Changes document distributed with agenda
1. Provide background information on the proposed rule revisions
2. Walk through DEQ’s recommendations
3. Rulemaking workgroup discussion
4. Gauge stakeholders’ support for DEQ’s proposal
3:45 Wrap Up/Next Steps
▪ Review of Decisions
▪ Review of Action Items
▪ Establish June 30th / July 15 agenda
4:00 Adjourn
* Thank you for your commitment to these issues and this process *