Follow Ups from May 20 Meeting
RWG Discussion
1. Variances
• Neil: Differences between ALC and HHC -- implications for application need to be reflected in the rule.
• Neil: search and replace the word “variance” with PMP/Pollution Prevention Plan as a possible solution to the stigma of the word
• Variance Duration:
◦ Peter said that if a permit is administratively extended, that DEQ can’t legally re-open the permit (I think this had something to do that if during an annual review we found that we needed to adjust something)
◦ Neil: Permits w/ variances would float to the top of the priority list w/in a year of expiration
• Existing Use
◦ Need to fully define the meaning of existing use—no further degradation and what is DEQ’s “standard of review”?
◦ Ken: Need to clarify capacity of trading w/in watershed to help with this
• NPS BMPs—Ken: Add language regarding the possibility of using trading (not a requirement because of issues w/ contractual obligations, per Kathryn)
• Address in the Decision Memo OR’s use of GLI
• New Facilities
◦ Nina/Peter: Strong objection to “net environmental benefit”. Too open to abuse and misinterpretation
◦ Define what a new facility is—new facility covered by an existing permit, new discharger??
◦ Kathryn/Ken—DEQ should consider other types of industry that could bring business to OR
* RWG members need to send comments/revisions to Andrea by June 3.
2. Pollution Prevention Proposal
• More rationale is needed from DEQ, EPA, and ACWA before the proposal is brought before the group again in July (will need to meet/discuss beforehand)
• How does RPA fit the “occasional hit”/Tier I scenario (EPA, DEQ)
3. June/July Meeting
• Variances (last discussion)
• De Minimus (last discussion)
• Status of Tools Matrix
• Pollution Prevention Plan
• Delayed Implementation
Non-NPDES Discussion
Sorry folks, but didn’t catch any more specifics than this…
1. ODF/ODA Interactions
• Follow up Items?
2. Antidegradation
• Work group members didn’t get to vote on DEQ’s proposal
• This was the last scheduled meeting on this
3. Implementation-Ready TMDLs
• Get any comments to proposal to Gene by June 3
4. Division 41
• Get comments to proposal to Gene by June 3
5. June/July Meeting
• Pretreatment sub-committee
• Sediment and toxics
• Implementation-Ready TMDLs
Developing Agendas—Who, What, When, Where (were we going to propose an alternate location at some point?)