Follow Ups from May 20 Meeting


RWG Discussion

1. Variances

 Neil: Differences between ALC and HHC -- implications for application need to be reflected in the rule.

 Neil: search and replace the word “variance” with PMP/Pollution Prevention Plan as a possible solution to the stigma of the word

 Variance Duration:

◦  Peter said that if a permit is administratively extended, that DEQ can’t legally re-open the permit (I think this had something to do that if during an annual review we found that we needed to adjust something)

◦  Neil: Permits w/ variances would float to the top of the priority list w/in a year of expiration

 Existing Use

◦  Need to fully define the meaning of existing use—no further degradation and what is DEQ’s “standard of review”?

◦  Ken: Need to clarify capacity of trading w/in watershed to help with this

 NPS BMPs—Ken: Add language regarding the possibility of using trading (not a requirement because of issues w/ contractual obligations, per Kathryn)

 Address in the Decision Memo OR’s use of GLI

 New Facilities

◦  Nina/Peter: Strong objection to “net environmental benefit”. Too open to abuse and misinterpretation

◦  Define what a new facility is—new facility covered by an existing permit, new discharger??

◦  Kathryn/Ken—DEQ should consider other types of industry that could bring business to OR

* RWG members need to send comments/revisions to Andrea by June 3.

2. Pollution Prevention Proposal

 More rationale is needed from DEQ, EPA, and ACWA before the proposal is brought before the group again in July (will need to meet/discuss beforehand)

 How does RPA fit the “occasional hit”/Tier I scenario (EPA, DEQ)

3. June/July Meeting

 Variances (last discussion)

 De Minimus (last discussion)

 Status of Tools Matrix

 Pollution Prevention Plan

 Delayed Implementation


Non-NPDES Discussion

Sorry folks, but didn’t catch any more specifics than this…

1. ODF/ODA Interactions

 Follow up Items?

2. Antidegradation

 Work group members didn’t get to vote on DEQ’s proposal

 This was the last scheduled meeting on this

3. Implementation-Ready TMDLs

 Get any comments to proposal to Gene by June 3

4. Division 41

 Get comments to proposal to Gene by June 3

5. June/July Meeting

 Pretreatment sub-committee

 Sediment and toxics

 Implementation-Ready TMDLs


Developing Agendas—Who, What, When, Where (were we going to propose an alternate location at some point?)