Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues/ Meeting #6
June 30, 2010, 1:00 – 4:00 AFTERNOON SESSION
Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room
805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Code: 503-326-5873
Meeting Goals:
❖ Review DEQ’s recommendations and wrap up discussions related to Division 41 and 42 regulations and sediment control
❖ Identify path to wrap up discussions on implementation-ready TMDLs and pretreatment proposed actions in July
12:45 Gather and Settle
1:00 Welcome, Introductions and Review Goals (Donna Silverberg)
▪ Updates/Announcements (All)
1:15 Proposed Rule Revisions (Gene Foster)
Materials: Divisions 41 and 42 Proposed Rule document distributed with agenda
1. Work group understanding of the revisions made to the proposed rule document
2. Gauge work group’s support for DEQ’s proposal
Outline for Today’s Agenda Item:
1. Present brief overview of the changes made to the proposed rule document
2. Rulemaking workgroup discussion
3. Gauge work group’s support for DEQ’s proposal
1:45 Sediment and Toxics (Gene Foster/Josh Seeds)
Materials: Sediment and Toxics issue paper distributed with agenda
1. Work group understanding of DEQ’s proposal for addressing sediment
2. Gauge work group’s support for DEQ’s proposal
Outline for Today’s Discussion:
1. Present brief overview of DEQ’s proposal for addressing sediment
2. Rulemaking work group discussion
3. Gauge work group’s support for DEQ’s proposal
2:15 Break
2:30 Implementation-Ready TMDLs (Gene Foster)
Materials: Implementation-ready TMDL issue paper distributed with agenda
1. Work group understanding of the content of TMDL issue paper.
2. Work group understanding of how “Implementation-Ready TMDLs” may change the way TMDLs are implemented by urban Designated Management Agencies
3. Gauge work group’s support for DEQ’s proposal
Outline for Today’s Agenda Item:
1. Present brief overview of the changes made to the issue paper
2. Present brief overview of TMDL implementation by urban DMAs
3. Rulemaking workgroup discussion
4. Gauge work group’s support for DEQ’s proposal
3:00 Pretreatment Update (Tiffany Yelton Bram/ACWA subcommittee)
Materials: Source Control issue paper distributed with agenda
Objectives: This is the first of two presentations that the Source Control Small Group will make before presenting our final draft issue paper. We will provide a quick recap of our purpose, the meaning of the group’s name and the work we are doing.
Outline for Today’s Discussion:
1. Recap of purpose, name and work to date
2. Highlights of current draft of issue paper
3. Clarifying questions?
4. The intersection we see between what we are exploring in our issue paper and other initiatives
3:30 Wrap Up/Next Steps
▪ Review of decisions
▪ Review of action Items
▪ Review remaining workgroup meetings
▪ Alternate meeting location for July, Aug., Sept.?
4:00 Adjourn
* Thank you for your commitment to these issues and this process *