Rulemaking Workgroup: Permitting Issues/ Meeting #16
July 15, 2010, 8:30 – 11:30 MORNING SESSION
Location: EPA Conference Room 5th Floor
805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Access Code: 503-326-5873
Goals for Today’s Meeting
❖ Finalize discussions on variances and review the most current regulatory language
❖ Clarify next steps with the process, including any additional discussions that may be needed to wrap up this work
8:15 Gather and Settle
8:30 Welcome, Introductions & Review Goals for the Day (Donna Silverberg)
8:45 Variances (Andrea Matzke)
Materials: Variance section of the issue paper distributed with agenda
Get input from work group on DEQ’s draft final variance regulatory language, both generally and specifically
Outline for Today’s Discussion
1. Review DEQ’s draft final variance regulatory language, specifically:
a. New discharger exceptions (pg. 8)
b. Pollutant minimization plan requirement (pg. 9)
• Reviewed annually (pg. 10)
• Milestone extension if administratively extended (Pg. 10)
2. Get final input and assess level of support for proposal
9:45 Break
10:00 Toxics Pollutants Reduction Plan (Jennifer Wigal/Peter Ruffier/Dave Kliewer)
Materials: Toxics pollutants reduction plan proposal distributed with agenda
1. Get input from work group on the toxics reduction plan proposal, both generally and specifically
2. Determine whether and how this idea should move forward
Outline for Today’s Discussion
1. Review draft toxics pollution reduction plan language
2. Get final input and assess level of support for proposal
10:45 Updates
◦ Follow-up on questions regarding anticipated impacts to current permit holders regarding time for compliance (Annette Liebe)
◦ How DEQ plans to address the human health compliance schedule issue (Annette Liebe)
◦ Background pollutant allowance update (Deb Sturdevant)
11:10 Next Steps/Wrap-Up
▪ Review of decisions
▪ Review of action items
▪ Where do we go from here?
▪ August 17th agenda items
* Thank you for your continued commitment to these issues and this process *