Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues/ Meeting #7
July 15, 2010, 1:00 – 4:15 AFTERNOON SESSION
Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room
805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Code: 503-326-5873
Meeting Goals:
❖ To finalize discussions related to source control, Division 41 & 42 changes and Implementation Ready TMDLs and then have a clear understanding of next steps in this process
12:45 Gather and Settle
1:00 Welcome, Introductions and Review Goals (Donna Silverberg)
▪ Updates/Announcements (All)
1:15 Source Control Small Group Update (Tiffany Yelton Bram, DEQ Pretreatment Coordinator)
Materials: Source Control update distributed with agenda
Objectives: This is the second of two presentations that the Source Control Small Group will make before presenting a final draft issue paper. The group will focus on the main proposals in the issue paper.
Outline for Today’s Discussion:
1. Review highlights of proposals related to the rulemaking
2. Clarify intersection with other initiatives
3. Gauge support for next steps
1:45 Implementation-Ready TMDLs (Gene Foster)
Materials: Revised Implementation-ready TMDL issue paper distributed with agenda
DEQ currently has authority to develop implementation-ready TMDLs, however, DEQ is proposing to revise existing language for further clarification.
Objectives: 1. Review and assess the revisions DEQ has made to the issue paper since the June 30th meeting. 2. Hear the vision and plans that DEQ’s partner agencies (ODA and ODF) have about how they will help to assure that the state reaches its revised water quality standards.
Outline for Today’s Discussion:
1. Brief presentation from DEQ on revisions (Gene Foster 5-10 minutes)
2. Brief presentation from ODA and ODF (Dave Wilkinson & Peter Doughtery 10-15 minutes each)
3. Questions from work group
4. Identify next steps
2:15 Break
2:30 Continue Implementation Ready TMDLs
3:00 Revisit Division 41 & 42 Proposed Rule Changes (Gene Foster)
Materials: Revised Rule Language distributed with agenda
1. Revisions needed to be consistent with statutes
2. Revisions needed to clarify load allocations for NPS
Objective: Review and assess the level of support for the revisions DEQ has made to the proposed rule since the June 30th meeting
Outline for Today’s Discussion:
1. Brief presentation from DEQ on revisions
2. Questions from work group
3. Gauge work group support
4. Identify next steps
3:45 Wrap Up/Next Steps
▪ Review of Decisions
▪ Review of Action Items
▪ Where do we go from here?
▪ August 17th agenda items
4:15 Adjourn
* Thank you for your commitment to these issues and this process *