Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues/ Meeting #8

August 17, 2010, 8:30 – 12:30 MORNING SESSION


Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room

805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250

Call-in Line: 866-299-3188

Code: 503-326-5873

Meeting Goals:


❖  To finalize discussions related to Division 41 & 42 changes

❖  To review DEQ’s fiscal analysis requirements and overall approach

❖  To review the overall approach to the fiscal analysis from NPS actions related to the toxics rulemaking




8:15  Gather and Settle


8:30  Welcome, Introductions and Review Goals (Donna Silverberg)

▪  Updates/Announcements (All)

▪  Minority Reports


8:45  Division 41 and 42 (Gene Foster)

Materials: Updated Division 41 and 42 issue paper


Objectives: Review and assess the level of support for the revisions DEQ has made to the proposed rule since the July 15thmeeting


 Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1.  Review revised rule language


 340-041-0061(11) and (12)



2.  Respond to questions from the group

3.  Gauge support for proposed revisions


9:45  Break


10:00  Fiscal and Economic Impact of Proposed Rulemaking (DEQ)

Materials: Fiscal and economic impact outline, template of fiscal form, proposed rule language document, and draft toxics criteria table


Objective 1: Review DEQ’s fiscal analysis requirements and overall approach

Objective 2: Review the approach to the non-NPDES fiscal analysis

Objective 3: Provide an opportunity for stakeholders to identify additional information that can be provided to DEQ.


 Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1.  Brief overview of DEQ’s requirements and overall approach to the fiscal analysis

2.  Brief overview of proposed human health criteria

3.  Approach to fiscal analysis focusing on the non-NPDES impacts

4.  Opportunity to provide input on DEQ’s approach

5.  Identify next steps


12:15  Wrap Up/Next Steps

▪  Review of Decisions

▪  Review of Action Items

▪  September 22nd agenda items


12:30  Adjourn





* Thank you for your commitment to these issues and this process *