Hearing Script for Presiding Officer
Human Health Toxics Rulemaking
EQC Public Hearing
Feb. 16, 2011
At this time, the Commission will be taking comments on: Revised Water Quality Standards for Human Health Toxic Pollutants and Revised Water Quality Standards Implementation Policies.
The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on proposed rules amending the toxics water quality standards, OAR 340-041-0033, and creating or amending certain water quality standards implementation provisions. These implementation measures relate to variances, intake credits, background allowances, nonpoint sources, and total daily maximum loads. A more detailed description of the changes can be found in the rulemaking notice.
The Commission is seeking comments on the proposed rules in general and specifically invites comments on the issue of whether there are other options for achieving the rules objectives while reducing negative economic impacts on business.
If you wish to provide oral comments you must complete one of the registration forms that are available on the table located [indicate] and turn it in to Stephanie Clark.
If you wish to provide only written comments at this time, you may give those comments to Stephanie Clark at anytime during this hearing. In addition, written comments may be filed with the department at any time prior to the close of the rulemaking comment period on March 21. Instructions on where to send comments are also provided in the rulemaking notice.
If you have filled out a card, I will call your name in the order received and ask you to come up to the table. Please speak into the microphone and identify yourself for the record and, if you represent an organization, please state the name of the organization. If you have written materials that you also wish to have entered into the record please give those to Stephanie Clark either immediately before or after you make your comments.
Your comments will be recorded so that we can make an accurate record.
The Commission will not be responding to your comments at this time. After the close of the comment period, the Department will prepare a summary of comments and responses.
We ask that you keep your comments to the point and that you reference rather than repeat comments that have already been made by earlier speakers. Please keep your comments to less than 10 minutes long [or less if more people want to speak].
After reviewing the comments, the Department may consider revisions to the proposed rules. The Department's final recommendation for rule adoption will be made at the EQC meeting scheduled for June 16 or 17 (location TBD). The Commission will use its own discretion in deciding whether to adopt all, part or none of the proposed rules, postpone adoption, or hold additional public hearings.