12:45 would probably work (we should be at lunch by then and I should be around). The sign-in sheets from yesterday are under today’s sheets at the room entrance, and the comment forms (in order, and the numbers do not always correspond to the order…which you’ll see) and written testimony (in order, but not numbered/assigned) are on a table by my seat in the room.


I’ll try to gather it all together 


The list of commenters, and the general support/oppose note:


1.  Elwood Patawa – support

2.  Kat Brigham – support – submitted letter

3.  Curtis W. Martin – oppose (encourage to reopen process)

4.  Jack Giffen, Jr. – support

5.  Ryan Bransetter – support

6.  (J.) Michael Read – oppose

7.  Ron Bittler – oppose (want specific implementation plan by Clean Water Act tool)

8.  Chuck Mickelson – oppose (municipal issues – city of Ontario)

9.  Steve Griffith – [check tape] – USDA – oppose?

10.  Brandy Humphries – support

11.  Don Gentry – support

12.  Peggy Browne - oppose

13.  Tracey Liskey - oppose

14.  Doug Krahmer (check spelling with staff and commenter) – oppose

15.  Barry Bushue  - oppose

16.  Jennifer Shmikler – oppose

17.  Joe Hobson – oppose

18.  Stephanie Eisner – (support removal of toxics – have concerns with proposed rules/variances) oppose

19.  Liz VanLeeuwen – oppose, supports Ag as lead agency for water issues, not DEQ

20.  Mark Mellbye – oppose, keep ODA as point agency

21.  Jon Kane – support

22.  Marc Whitman – support, encouraged more meetings and work with large manufacturers for reduction

23.  Bobby Begay – support

24.  Janet Gillaspie and Chris Fick – oppose, specific concerns with portions of rules and especially variances, general support to reduce toxics – want specific implementation plans by categories of pollutant and Clean Water Act tools

25.  Dan Hanthorn - oppose

26.  Lauren Goldberg – support

27.  Kathryn VanNatta – oppose (in part) – noted that NWPPA will present specific points and ideas for solutions on implementation for point sources

28.  Terry Witt – OFS supports clean water. Opposes this rulemaking.

29.  Steve Higgs – oppose (Perkins Coe law firm, representing Klamath Falls) – city supports underlying concepts and toxics reduction in general – wants specificity on policy direction

30.  Aja DeCoteau – support

31.  David Liberty – support

32.  Teresa Huntsinger – support

33.  Brett Vandenheuvel – support (mentioned personal health and environmental justice/right to catch and eat fish) – noted flaws in rules and perception that it will not actually reduce toxics but that the state can accomplish reductions

34.  Karla Kay Edwards – oppose – challenge to science of 175 grams per day fish consumption rate and that there will be no human health benefit from rules. Presented recommendations for commission consideration.

35.  Sheri Wadekamper – oppose (ODA as sole authority for ag-related water issues) – also asked EQC to rescind land-application permit given to Hermiston




•  Stephanie