From: Bill & Sandra Ihrig

Sent: Tue Jan 25 08:15:27 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: more regulation needed

Importance: Normal

Attachments: OR 2011 Fish - Wildlife Fish Advisory .pdf;


The current level of toxins allowed in our rivers & streams is unacceptable. I have elevated levels of mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium among other metals in my body. This has caused me adverse health effects. Mercury is a known neurotoxin and accumulates in the body tissues. We are already bombarded with mercury on many fronts. From mercury amalgam to you letting PGE continue emitting mercury into our air.

One has to only look at the below studies to see how bad the situation is. I used to fish but when I learned that the Oregon Fish and Game take the minnow pike (squaw fish) and cut it up and feed to the hatchery fish as food I had to really scratch my head over that one. Why on earth would you take a contaminated fish and turn it into feed for the freshly hatched fish. Below are studies available and attached is Oregon fish advisory:


EPA 910-R-02-006

U,S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 10, Seattle, WA 98101

Program: Environmental Contaminants and their Effects on Fish in the Columbia River Basin

BIOMONITORING OF Environmental Status and Trends (BEST)


U.S. Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey

EPA 910-R-08004 January 2009

COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN: State of the River Report for Toxics -January 2009

Page 8 - "ln certain areas, the contaminated groundwater has reached the Columbia River."

Sandra Ihrig

709 East 21st Place

The Dalles, OR 97058

Phone 541-296-0644