From: Laurie Caplan

Sent: Fri Feb 04 12:27:38 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: Protect public health

Importance: Normal


Dear DEQ,

I encourage you to to adopt the proposed protective water quality

standards for toxic pollutants. How gratifying if once again Oregon

could lead the nation in reforming pollution standards and making our

fish safer to eat. Even DEQ staff and state legislators eat fish, so

this change would benefit you, as well as Oregonians and others who

eat fish from Oregon.


Because of our dramatic weather, it makes no sense to exempt polluted

stormwater. When is Oregon without stormwater? We rely on DEQ to

protect us from the toxic chemical stew in stormwater.


Please adopt the revised water quality standards immediately, without

the usual loopholes and exemptions that benefit corporate profits over

individual health and safety.

Thank you,


Laurie Caplan

766 Lexington Avenue

Astoria, OR 97103