From: Alexandra Wiley

Sent: Sat Feb 05 10:56:00 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: Comments on OR Toxics Rules

Importance: Normal


Dear DEQ,


I am writing in support of the following issues regarding toxics in Oregon:


I support a fish consumption rate of 175 grams a day. This is more reasonable as many people in the region eat fish as a large portion of their diet. This must be recognized.


I also am writing in support of regulation that does not allow for loopholes for large polluters. No variances should be allowed here, we need to take a stand against toxics in our watersheds.

I am writing to urge Oregon DEQ to apply water quality 'toxics' standards to stormwater pollution discharge. Stormwater is a huge contributor to toxics in our environment. We need to make the regulations affect this area so our communities will find ways to transform.

I also write in support for adopting revised water quality standards NOW.

I eat fish from rivers and streams. Local farmers markets in Portland and around the state sell fish from the Columbia River and other locations.

Thank you for considering my comments.





Alexa Wiley

