From: Farrell Larson
Sent: Mon Feb 07 18:36:57 2011
To: ToxicsRuleMaking
Subject: Comment
Importance: Normal
To Whom It May Concern,
After listening to the DEQ presentation here in Ontario Oregon I would like to go on record as totally opposing your proposal for several reasons.
1. The current economy of Oregon, and especially eastern Oregon, is almost at a depression level. The unemployment here is higher than the rest of the State and much higher that the general population of the United States. The businesses here are just barely hanging on and do not need another government regulation to add cost to their businesses.
2. The higher minimum wage that all Oregon businesses are required to pay, almost $1.50 higher than Idaho, is another example of the financial drain that we are under every day to compete with businesses just across the Snake River in Idaho. Everyone on the committee that is working on this matter should be required to run a business before making decisions that will impact Oregon businesses.
It is easy to dream, but hard to implement. You have presented the easy part.
3. The thought that this could be delayed for some businesses is just a stop gap measure to get it approved and once that happens any business will be harmed either now or a few short years from now. You are moving too fast and too expensive for the times we are in.
4. If you are interested in what businesses think, why don't you ask the business community for our input. The people who live in eastern Oregon have a much better idea as to what goes on here than someone on the other side of the state. I would like to know if anyone of the 20 people on the committee are actually from this side of the state of Oregon.
I can promise you this. If you go forward with the regulations you presented here in Ontario Oregon on February 7th 2011, within 5 years you will have driven businesses out of this side of the State, and those businesses will go to Idaho.
The unemployment will be as high as it is now or higher. Property values will be lower than they are now and the businesses in Eastern Oregon will be in virtually gone.
Thank You,
Farrell Larson
Ontario, Oregon