From: waterqualitystandards

Sent: Thu Mar 10 17:20:41 2011

To: MATZKE Andrea; BRANDON Stephanie

Subject: FW: Amendments to WQS: Arsenic, City of Ontario comments

Importance: Normal

Attachments: City of Ontario Amendments to Water Standards_1.pdf;


Here ya go, should have thought of that.



Debra Sturdevant

WQ Standards Program Lead

Oregon DEQ

(503) 229-6691

From: Chuck Mickelson []

Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 2:47 PM

To: waterqualitystandards;

Cc: Dan Jones; Charlotte Fugate; Joe Dominick; Dave Clark; David Sullivan; Henry Lawrence; Jack Fox; ACWA; Ron Verini; REP Bentz;; FAIRLEY Scott G * GOV;; Norm Crume

Subject: Amendments to WQS: Arsenic, City of Ontario comments

Attached are the comments from the City of Ontario regarding the proposed rules relating to arsenic. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

Chuck Mickelson

Public Works Director

444 SW 4th Street

Ontario, OR 97914


cell 541-212-3438