From: Susan Schumacher

Sent: Sun Mar 06 11:46:42 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Importance: Normal


March 4, 2011

Andrea Matzke,

Oregon Dept of Environmental Quality

I have been farming in the Stayton, Scio area for 38 years, I am concerned about the proposed human health toxic pollutants rules and how the new regulations will affect agriculture. I think the existing plans have greatly improved water quality. Any regulations and enforcement of agriculture should come from the Oregon Dept of Agriculture, no other agency.

If the rules are not reasonable and economically feasible, farms and ranches could be regulated out of business.

The attempt by DEQ to directly regulate farming practices, especially by “implementation ready” TMDL’s would violate Oregon law. I support the OFB comments and suggested rule language changes.

I also support reduction of water pollution in Oregon to the maximum extent practicable.

Any regulation implemented by Agriculture water quality management area plans and rules should be based on best available soil crop and animal science that demonstrates the effects of land practices on water quality and is reasonable and practicable to modern agriculture.

I believe area plans and rules administered through the ODA are and effective way to enforce mandated regulations to improve water quality.


Joe Schumacher