From: ACWA
Sent: Mon Mar 21 14:33:03 2011
To: MATZKE Andrea; ToxicsRuleMaking
Cc: Neil Mullane; Dick Pedersen; 'Chris Fick'; LANDAUER Mark
Subject: FW: Comments - Oregon Toxic WQ rules
Importance: Normal
Attachments: TechMemo_ACWA_1-31-2011.pdf; ACWA RPA Analsyis - DEQ toxic wq std 01 11_.pdf; DEQ Toxic WQ stds - ACWA LOC SDAO 03 11.pdf; RPA Analysis ACWA 01 11.pdf; Attached are the comments from ACWA, the League of Oregon Cities, and the Special Districts Association of Oregon regarding Oregon’s proposed toxic water quality standards, including attachments. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions regarding our comment letter. Janet Gillaspie Janet Gillaspie, Executive Director Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (ACWA) 537 SE Ash, Suite 12 Portland, OR 97214 (503) 236-6722 Fax: (503) 236-6719 E-mail: