Snowy Butte Timberlands LLC
3200 Camp Baker Rd
Medford OR 97501
Mar 9 2011
Oregon DEQ - Water Quality Div
811 SW 6th
Portland OR 97204
Re: Toxics rulemaking
I am a professional forester and forest landowner in Jackson County, and am very concerned about this DEQ proposal. I strongly believe matters of forest practices should ONLY come from the Oregon Department of Forestry and not the DEQ. Since the passage of the Oregon Forest Practices Act almost 40 years ago, this system has worked very well, and stream quality has improved greatly as a result. The improvements are measurable.
I support the position of the Oregon Small Woodlands Association that any regulation and/or enforcement of forestry practices should come from ODF and no other agency. Family forest landowners already have enough problems without another layer of rules from a different state agency.
I oppose allowing DEQ to set TDMLs on forest lands. Forest landowners need the guarantee that operating within the FPA and using BMPs will protect their interests. If rules and regulations become too onerous, landowners may sell and these lands may shift out of long-term timber production.
Michael S Meredith
member, SBT LLC